A pediatric echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) uses sound waves to produce images of your child’s heart. Find out why your child may need one and what to expect. Pediatric echocardiography is an ultrasound, or sonogram, of a child's heart. An echocardiogram, or echo, uses sound waves to create images and videos of the heart.
Cardiovascular disease refers to damage in your child’s heart muscle. It is either present at birth, or caused by a build-up of fat cells that partially or completely close off your child’s arteries. These blockages cut off important blood flow to the heart, damaging its muscle.
Learning that your child needs advanced heart care can be stressful, and you’ll have many questions. At Pediatric Cardiology Associates of Houston (PCAH), we’re here to provide the support your family needs.
A Holter monitor is a small, portable device that continuously records the heart’s electrical activity, called the heart rhythm. Your child wears the monitor for 24 hours or longer during regular activities such as eating, sleeping, going to school and playing.
Having your child be referred to a cardiologist can be a stressful experience. Likewise, hearing that your child does not have serious heart disease can be a great relief! However, there are some times where your child may look or feel fine, but the doctor still says that they need to come back. If the heart is healthy, why is follow up so important?